Results for 'Stephen F. Clarke'

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  1. Legislative ethics in democratic countries: a comparative analysis.Jack Maskell, Stephen F. Clarke & Ruth Levush (eds.) - 1997 - Washington, DC: Law Library, Library of Congress.
  2. Clark, Andy, Associative Engines: Connectionism Concepts and Representational.Philotheus Boehner, Stephen F. Brown, Luigi Boscolo, Paolo Bertrando, David Boucher & Andrew Vincent - 1994 - Mind 103.
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    Graphics advisors.George Abbet, Steven F. Sapontzis, John Stockwell, George P. Cave, Stephen Clark, Michael J. Cohen, Michael W. Fox, Ann Cottrell Free, Richard Grossinger & Judith Hampson - 1992 - Between the Species 8 (3).
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    Changing clinical practice: management of paediatric community‐acquired pneumonia.Mohamed A. Elemraid, Stephen P. Rushton, Matthew F. Thomas, David A. Spencer, Katherine M. Eastham, Andrew R. Gennery & Julia E. Clark - 2014 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 20 (1):94-99.
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    from Jim Harter, Animals: 1419 Copyright-Free 1UustraJWns, 1979; Carol Belanger Grafton, Old.Steven F. Sapontzis, John Stockwell, George P. Cave, Stephen Clark, Michael J. Cohen & Michael W. Fox - 1993 - Between the Species 9 (3).
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    Russell's Anti-Communist Rhetoric before and after Stalin's Death.Stephen Hayhurst - 1991 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 11 (1):67-82.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:RUSSEL:rS ANTI-COMMUNIST RHETORIC BEFORE AND AFTER STALIN'S DEATH STEPHEN HAYHURST History / Copenhagen International School Copenhagen, Denmark 1100 A communist regimes collapse in Eastern Europe, and the rhetoric of the Cold War is at last abandoned, it seems an appropriate time to examine an aspect of Bertrand Russell's political life and thought which has not been as well documented as, for example, his activities in the First World (...)
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    Stephen Clark, the laws of logic and the sorites.Laurence Goldstein - 2009 - Philosophy 84 (1):135-143.
    A standard method for refuting a set of claims is to show that it implies a contradiction. Stephen Clark questions this method on the grounds that the Law of Non-Contradiction, together with the other fundamental laws of logic do not accord with everyday reality. He accounts for vagueness by suggesting that, for any vague predicate 'F', an ordinary object is typically to some extent both F and not-F, and that objects do not change abruptly from being F to being (...)
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  8. Lawrence Kohlberg's Approach to Moral Education.F. Clark Power, Ann Higgins-D'Alessandro & Lawrence Kohlberg - 1989
    Lawrence Kohlberg's Approach to Moral Education presents what the late Lawrence Kohlberg regarded as the definitive statement of his educational theory. Addressing the sociology and social psychology of schooling, the authors propose that school culture become the center of moral education and research. They discuss how schools can develop as just and cohesive communities by involving students in democracy, and they focus on the moral decisions teachers and students face as they democratically resolve problems. As the authors put it: "...we (...)
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    Declarative and Deductive Theology in the Early Fourteenth Century.Stephen F. Brown - 1998 - In Jan Aertsen & Andreas Speer (eds.), Was ist Philosophie im Mittelalter? Qu'est-ce que la philosophie au moyen âge? What is Philosophy in the Middle Ages?: Akten des X. Internationalen Kongresses für Mittelalterliche Philosophie der Société Internationale pour l'Etude de la Philosophie Médié. Erfurt: De Gruyter. pp. 648-655.
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    Medieval Supposition Theory in Its Theological Context.Stephen F. Brown - 1993 - Medieval Philosophy & Theology 3:121-157.
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    Meilaender, Gilbert. Bioethics: A Primer for Christians.Stephen F. Brett - 2002 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 2 (1):183-185.
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    On Faith and Reason.Stephen F. Brown (ed.) - 1999 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    The selections included in this anthology, drawn from a variety of Aquinas' works, focus on the roles of reason and faith in philosophy and theology. Expanding on these themes are Aquinas' discussions of the nature and domain of theology; the knowledge of God and of God's attributes attainable through natural reason; the life of God, including God’s will, justice, mercy, and providence; and the principal Christian mysteries treated in theology properly speaking--the Trinity and the Incarnation.
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    Brittle System Analysis.Stephen F. Bush, John Hershey & Kirby Vosburgh - forthcoming - Arxiv Preprint Cs/9904016.
    The goal of this paper is to define and analyze systems which exhibit brittle behavior. This behavior is characterized by a sudden and steep decline in performance as the system approaches the limits of tolerance. This can be due to input parameters which exceed a specified input, or environmental conditions which exceed specified operating boundaries. An analogy is made between brittle commmunication systems in particular and materials science.
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    Memory search for CVC and CCC trigrams.Stephen F. Checkosky & Norik Baboorian - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 96 (1):158.
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    Person and Polis: Max Scheler's Personalism as Political Theory.Stephen F. Schneck - 1987 - SUNY Press.
    Martin Heidegger cited him as “the most potent philosophical power... in all of contemporary philosophy.” Ortega y Gasset called him “the first man of genius, the Adam of the new Paradise.” Writing at a crucial time in intellectual history, his influence has extended to persons as diverse as Dietrich von Hildebrand, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Karol Wojtyla, Jurgen Habermas, Ernst Bloch, and members of the generation of thinkers that developed in the German universities during the Weimar years. Despite this far-reaching impact, the (...)
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    Effects of pattern goodness on recognition time in a memory search task.Stephen F. Checkosky & Dean Whitlock - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 100 (2):341.
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    Differential conditioning as a function of surgical anosmia.Stephen F. Davis & John D. Seago - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (1):10-12.
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    Implementation-neutral causation.Stephen F. LeRoy - 2016 - Economics and Philosophy 32 (1):121-142.
    :The most basic question one can ask of a model is ‘What is the effect on variable y2 of variable y1?’ Causation is ‘implementation neutral’ when all interventions on external variables that lead to a given change in y1 have the same effect on y2, so that the effect of y1 on y2 is defined unambiguously. Familiar ideas of causal analysis do not apply when causation is implementation neutral. For example, a cause variable cannot be linked to an effect variable (...)
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    The Medieval Background to the Abstractive vs. Intuitive Cognition Distinction.Stephen F. Brown - 2000 - Miscellanea Mediaevalia Band 27: Geistesleben Im 13. Jahrhundert, Aertsen, Jan a (Ed).
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    Rat memory: Have we anthropomorphized?Stephen F. Davis, Robert E. Prytula, William C. Doughman & David S. Perry - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (6):471-472.
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    Taste/taste potentiation as a function of age and stimulus intensity.Stephen F. Davis, Scott A. Bailey, Angela H. Becker & Cathy A. Grover - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (3):201-203.
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    Runway performance of normal, sham, and anosmic rats as a function of magnitude of reward and magnitude shift.Stephen F. Davis, Wyatt E. Harper & John D. Seago - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (4):367-369.
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    Shock-elicited attack and biting as a function of chronic vs. acute insulin injection.Stephen F. Davis, Elaine L. Cronin, Jerry A. Meriwether, Jerry Neideffer & Mary Nell Travis-Neideffer - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (2):149-151.
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    The effects of extended insulin dosage on target-directed attack and biting elicited by tailshock.Stephen F. Davis, John K. Gussetto, James L. Tramill, Jerry Neideffer & Mary Nell Travis-Neideffer - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (1):80-82.
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    Implementation neutrality and treatment evaluation.Stephen F. LeRoy - 2018 - Economics and Philosophy 34 (1):45-52.
    :Statisticians have proposed formal techniques for evaluation of treatments, often in the context of models that do not explicitly specify how treatments are generated. Under such procedures they run the risk of attributing causation in settings where the implementation neutrality condition required for causal interpretation of parameter estimates is not satisfied. When treatment assignments are explicitly modelled, as economists recommend, these issues can be formally analysed, and the existence of implementation neutrality, and therefore quantifiable causation, can be determined. Examples are (...)
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    What is a Profession?Stephen F. Barker - 1992 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 1 (1-2):73-99.
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  27. How wrong was Kant about geometry?Stephen F. Barker - 1984 - Topoi 3 (2):133-142.
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    Peter of Candia on Believing and Knowing.Stephen F. Brown - 1994 - Franciscan Studies 54 (1):251-261.
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    Presentation of the Aquinas Medal.Stephen F. Brown - 1999 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 73:17-20.
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    A comparison of the aversiveness of denatonium saccharide and quinine in humans.Stephen F. Davis, Cathy A. Grover & Cynthia A. Erickson - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (6):462-463.
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    Medieval Supposition Theory in Its Theological Context.Stephen F. Brown - 1993 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 3:121-157.
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    Defensive burying as a function of insulin-induced hypoglycemia and type of aversive stimulation.Stephen F. Davis & Shala A. Rossheim - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (3):229-231.
  33. A Response to Yaroslav Senyshyn and Susan A. O'Neill," Subjective Experience of Anxiety and Musical Performance: A Relational Perspective".Stephen F. Zdzinski - forthcoming - Philosophy of Music Education Review.
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  34. The role of simplicity in explanation.Stephen F. Barker - 1961 - In Herbert Feigl & Grover Maxwell (eds.), Current Issues in the Philosophy of Science. New York. pp. 265--274.
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    Smart Grid: Communication-Enabled Intelligence for the Electric Power Grid.Stephen F. Bush - 2014 - Wiley-Ieee Press.
    This book bridges the divide between the fields of power systems engineering and computer communication through the new field of power system information theory. Written by an expert with vast experience in the field, this book explores the smart grid from generation to consumption, both as it is planned today and how it will evolve tomorrow. The book focuses upon what differentiates the smart grid from the "traditional" power grid as it has been known for the last century. Furthermore, the (...)
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    What Does Value Matter? The Interest-Relational Theory of the Semantics and Metaphysics of Value.Stephen F. Finlay - 2001 - Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    Value and reasons for action are often cited by rationalists and moral realists as providing a desire-independent foundation for normativity. Those maintaining instead that normativity is dependent upon motivation often deny that anything called "value" or "reasons" exists. According to the interest-relational theory, something has value relative to some perspective of desire just in case it satisfies those desires, and a consideration is a reason for some action just in case it indicates that something of value will be accomplished by (...)
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    Catholics and Graduate Work Again.Stephen F. McNamee - 1939 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 14 (2):303-306.
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    A preliminary analysis of the suppressive effects of denatonium saccharide.Stephen F. Davis, Lisa A. Cunningham, Tom J. Burke, M. Melissa Richard, William M. Langley & John Theis - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (3):229-232.
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    What Counts as Buddhist Historiography and Why Does It Matter?Stephen F. Teiser - 2024 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 144 (2):427-439.
    This review article argues that John Kieschnick’s Buddhist Historiography in China (2022) constitutes a landmark in the field. The book covers a large swath of original sources, analyzes authorial strategies, and assesses the place of writing about the Buddhist past within the Sinocentric tradition of court-focused historiography. I point up the strengths of the book, identify its most significant chapters, and probe its interpretation of Buddhist historiography. I also suggest that, by including a broader range of genres within the ambit (...)
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    Analyzing and Comparing the Geometry of Individual Fitness.Stephen F. Chenoweth, John Hunt & Howard D. Rundle - 2012 - In Erik Svensson & Ryan Calsbeek (eds.), The Adaptive Landscape in Evolutionary Biology. Oxford University Press. pp. 126.
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    Exposure to a protein- and tryptophan-deficient diet results in neophilia.Stephen F. Davis, Scott A. Bailey & Ann M. Thompson - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (3):213-216.
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    A cross-species analysis of the aversiveness of denatonium saccharide and quinine.Stephen F. Davis, Kimberly J. Hoskinson, Kyle A. Wilder, Julie A. Sander, R. Kurt Larsen & Megan Knapp - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (5):419-422.
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    Contrafreeloading as a function of early environmental rearing conditions.Stephen F. Davis, Barbara G. Beighley, John S. Libretto, Mary Nell Mollenhour & Robert E. Prytula - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (6):595-597.
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    (2 other versions)Realism as a Philosophy of Mathematics.Stephen F. Barker - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (4):1--9.
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    Aids-to-study Accompanying the Quodlibeta of Henry of Ghent in Cod. Cusanus 92.Stephen F. Brown - 2003 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 45:205-216.
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    A Control and Management Network for Wireless ATM Systems.Stephen Bush, Jagannath F., Evans Sunil, B. Joseph, Victor Frost, Gary Minden & K. Sam Shanmugan - 1997 - Acm-Baltzer Wireless Networks 3:267--283.
    This paper describes the design of a control and management network (orderwire) for a mobile wireless Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) network. This mobile wireless ATM network is part of the Rapidly Deployable Radio Network (RDRN). The orderwire system consists of a packet radio network which overlays the mobile wireless ATM network, each network element in this network uses Global Positioning System (GPS) information to control a beamforming antenna subsystem which provides for spatial reuse. This paper also proposes a novel Virtual (...)
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  47. Information Theory and Network Science for Power Systems.Stephen F. Bush - 2013 - Wiley-Ieee Press.
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    The Limits of Motion Prediction Support for Ad hoc Wireless Network Performance.Stephen F. Bush & Nathan Smith - forthcoming - Arxiv Preprint Cs/0512092:27--30.
    A fundamental understanding of gain provided by motion prediction in wireless ad hoc routing is currently lacking. This paper examines benefits in routing obtainable via prediction. A theoretical best-case non-predictive routing model is quantified in terms of both message overhead and update time for non-predictive routing. This best- case model of existing routing performance is compared with predictive routing. Several specific instances of predictive improvements in routing are examined. The primary contribution of this paper is quantification of predictive gain for (...)
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    Church Fathers.Stephen F. Brown - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 209--216.
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    Odor-based double-alternation responding and retention as a function of naloxone injection.Stephen F. Davis, Michael M. Dudeck & Melanie S. Weaver - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 18 (5):275-277.
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